Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Posted: November 18, 2008
1:00 am Eastern

Just who are the amorphous individuals attacking Gov. Sarah Palin as not being smart enough to have been vice president? What makes her less capable than Joe Biden? In retrospect, if Biden was such a brilliant pick, and if Michelle Obama is so intelligent, why were both kept off the main stage in the closing weeks of the presidential

race – while Sarah Palin was increasingly in public view?

I submit they are comprised of two factions – the first being those that never wanted her to be vice president – the other, those who are afraid she may succeed as a presidential candidate in 2012. Lumped into both groups are those who don't have a clue, which includes elitist Republicans who place a higher value on a person's alma mater than they do a person's ability.

The accusations now surfacing is that Gov. Palin isn't "smart enough" to even consider running for president, to which one might argue: like Al Gore and John Kerry were, and like Joe Biden is – but I digress. A pre-eminent business leader told me many years ago, "You don't have to be super smart to be successful – you just have to be smart enough to surround yourself with people who are."

To that point, Sarah Palin is not only smart enough to surround herself with smart people, but she is also both smart and capable. Her record of accomplishment in barely two years as governor of Alaska is extraordinary. She is a proven fiscal conservative who puts the best interests of the people ahead of "good ol' boy" politics and policies, and she isn't hesitant to take on malevolent factions of her own party. She holds to traditional values, not as a mace, but as a way of life.

Cont. here:


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